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Tuesday, February 7, 2012


1.      Generic structure
The purpose of a biographical recount is to inform by retelling past events and achievements in a person’s life.
The texts consist of three parts:
a)      Part 1: orientation
It given the reader the background information as two why this person is
Noteworthy and should have a biography written about the. The opening paragraph should answer the questions: who, what, where, when, and how.
b)     Part 2: series
It presents a series of events, usually told in chronological order. Here the writer might refer to a certain time on line.

c)      Part 3: reorientation
It consists of a type of conclusion with a comment on the contributions this person has made or a summary and evaluation of the person’s achievement.

2.      Language Features
a)      A biographical recount uses specific names of the people involved in the biography.
b)      It is mainly written in simple past tense (the final paragraph could also include the present tense)
c)      A biographical recount also uses liking word to do with time.
d)     A biographical recount describes events, so it uses many verb or action verb.


  1. sangat membantu tugas saya terimakasih

  2. membantu sekali, tapi apakah bisa dicantumkan sumber nya darimana? karena saya membutuhkan sumber sebagai referensi nya, terimaksaih

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  4. my teacher just gave me a task, but i dont know what should i write...
